Trademark Registration Process Online in Bangalore
Trademark Registration Process Online in Bangalore
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Trademark is a distinctive name, symbol, design or word that distinguishes products and services of one company from those of another. It is a legal right granted by the government to the owner of the trademark, who may prevent others from using it without permission. It is an important asset for a business and can help create a brand identity for a product or service.
The process of trademark registration Consultant online is lengthy and involves a number of steps. It is best to have professional assistance to ensure that all the necessary formalities are taken care of. An experienced attorney can increase the chances of getting the mark registered by ensuring that the application meets all the requirements of the law. In addition, he or she can also conduct a comprehensive trademark search to determine if the mark you are looking to register has been used already.
Trademarks are classified into 45 different classes, so it is important to be aware of which class your product or service belongs to before filing an application. The application will need to include the name of your business, a description of your goods or services and an image or drawing of the mark. The application will then be examined by the registrar to ensure that it meets all the requirements of the law. If all is in order, the mark will be published in the Trademark Journal and then registered in the registry. A registrar of trademarks is valid for ten years and can be renewed every year.
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